SFW Communications

From complex ideas to simple, effective communications

+44 (0) 7979 368238

We offer PR & Comms consultancy for ethical and sustainable businesses. With particular expertise in renewable energy, we’re seasoned campaigners with a great track record. And we’re passionate about influencing real change and empowering organisations to make a difference to the Climate Crisis.

Find out more

Our Details

Here’s some other information you might need to know.


If you'd like some advice about how we can help with your community or commercial renewable energy project, environmental campaign or sustainable business, please get in touch by email or phone.

Email: sophy@sfwcommunications.co.uk

Phone: 07979 368238

Our values

Photo by David Morton

Photo by David Morton

We aim to practise what we preach.

We’re based in Wiltshire and work from home to minimise transport miles (and keep our overheads low); when we travel we take public transport where feasible or use an electric car; our business is powered by solar electricity from Octopus Energy; heated by biomass; and we try to support other local, ethical and sustainable organisations with our choice of business supplies and services. Our website is hosted by Squarespace whose servers all run on renewable energy.

Our Photographs

The background images on the home page and the main pages of the website show Westmill community-owned solar park and wind farm. Many thanks to Adam Twine, the force behind Westmill, for allowing us to use his wonderful photographs.

Other images of renewable energy in action were taken from Friends of the Earth’s Clean British Energy photography competition. Thanks to FOE and to photographers David Morton and Rhoda Kellar for giving permission to use their inspiring photos.

Powered by Squarespace.  Image of Westmill Coop Solar Farm by Adam Twine